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The Bridgeville Library needs YOUR support. Without the support of our generous contributors, we could not provide the level of services that the community has come to expect from the library. Your donations help the libary expand our collection of books, movies, and other materials, provide special programs to all ages, promote literacy, and conserve our local history. Donations to the library can be mailed to 600 South Cannon Street Bridgeville, Delaware 19933 or you can use our PayPal link. 

Additionally, donations can be made to our Delaware Community Foundation Endowment Fund directly at: https://www.delcf.org/donations/bridgeville-public-library-endowment-fund/

Providing a financial donation to our library provides support for us to maintain our facility, public computer access, our extensive collection of books and other materials, educational programs, literacy initiatives, after school programs, and many others.

Donation in someone's name - Making a donation, or purchasing a book in someone's name is a great way of honoring the legacy of a friend or loved one.

Estate and planned giving - A planned gift to the Bridgeville Library allows you to be a supporter of the library for years to come. Your honored gift will allow you to leave a legacy to our community.

There are many other ways to support and donate to the library. For more information on giving to the library, contact a staff member.

Contact Us

Bridgeville Library · 600 South Cannon Street · Bridgeville, DE 19933      302.337.7401

© Copyright 2025, Bridgeville Public Library - All Rights Reserved.